Choosing the best lawn for small areas

Small Lawn AreaChances are that if you only have a small area for a lawn then you won’t want to be spending a lot of time and/or money on maintenance. So how do you choose the best lawn for a small area?


Many small areas are surrounded by houses, fences, sheds and even bushes or trees, all of which cause shade. Just a few of these objects can cause enough shade that means a lawn will struggle to survive.  Select a lawn variety like Sir Walter soft leaf Buffalo, a shade tolerant lawn and trim back or prune overhanging branches on a regular basis to allow sunlight to reach the lawn as much as possible. Couch and Kikuyu should be avoided for small areas that are highly shaded now or are likely to be as neighbouring shrubs and trees grow.


Small lawn areas are often surrounded by paved areas or garden beds so unless you want to spend a lot of time pulling overgrown grass out of gardens or from between pavers a low invasive lawn is a great choice. The best low invasive lawn varieties are soft leaf Buffalo like Sir Walter, Zoysia and Queensland Blue. Again, Couch and Kikuyu varieties should be avoided.


A small lawn will ideally only require a small amount of maintenance. Select a lawn variety that requires infrequent mowing and watering.

Zoysia and Queensland Blue turfs are relatively low maintenance – are drought tolerant and won’t grow too long if left unattended for a while.

Soft leaf Buffalo turfs like Sir Walter are also low maintenance but do require more frequent mowing as it can grow quite long if left unattended. It also requires a more regular watering regime.

Couch and Kikuyu require more intensive lawn care to keep them healthy, neat, tidy and the growth under control.

For more information on the best lawn type of a small yard and where to source a smaller amount of turf from Harden Park Lawns just contact our team today. We can happy recommend the best lawn for the size of your yard and your location.


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