Sometimes lawn and garden maintenance can be a noisy affair – lawnmowers, whipper snippers, leaf blowers, mulchers – but there are ways that you can take care of your yard without being that noisy neighbour that everyone in the street complains about. In fact, it not just common courtesy and the best thing from neighbourhood harmony, it’s also a legal requirement. We all need to make sure that we are not interfering with other people’s quality of life and certainly that we are not in breach of local council noise restrictions.
Under Queensland’s Environmental Protection Act 1994 breaches can result in an on-the-spot fine for non-compliance of $1100 for an individual and $2200 for a corporation. And it doesn’t matter where in Queensland you live because all local councils in the state are legally required to enforce this act.
Lawn maintenance falls under the category of ‘Tools and Maintenance Noise’ and involves the use of grass cutters such as lawn mowers and edge cutters as well as leaf blowers and mulchers. The noise restrictions state that no clearly audible noise is allowed between 7pm and 7am Monday to Saturday and 7pm to 8am on Sundays and Public Holidays.
How to ensure you’re not in breach and being a good neighbour too:
Contact your local council for more information on noise restrictions. Contact Harden Park Lawns for more information on the best lawn for your place.
© Harden Park Lawns 2025