How often to mow your lawn

how often to mowHow often you should mow your lawn depends on a number of aspects such as the variety of turf you have, the time of the year and the overall current health of the lawn.

Ideally we match the lawn mowing frequency to the growth of the grass. You should never remove more than one third of the grass leaves in any single lawn mowing. You might also like to consider how you use your lawn (is it also a kid’s cricket pitch?) and the appearance and tidiness you prefer for your lawn.

Overly frequent mowing and infrequent mowing can both lead to damage of your lawn. Infrequent mowing can cause damage due to the following reasons:

  • Taking off all the green leaf leaves the thatch layer and crowns exposed to heat and direct sunlight which can cause them to dry out and even burn.
  • Removing too much of the leaf can cause the lawn to go into shock affecting its overall health as well as causing a scalped appearance which can both take some time to recover from.
  • Removing or damaging the lawn crowns, which will naturally grow higher when the lawn is allowed to grow too tall, can actually kill the lawn in the affected area.
  • If the lawn contains weeds which have been allowed to grow tall and for seed heads to appear, mowing infrequently will ensure the seeds fall back into the lawn soil when it is eventually mowed.

Most modern lawns varieties in good health can benefit from mowing every two weeks during the warmer months and once a month during the cooler temperatures. This regimen should result in a lawn that is in optimum health, green and where lawn thatching is kept to a minimum. Regular mowing of your lawn should encourage a lawn tillering effect. This is where less runners and more green leaves are produced which results in a greener and softer lawn to enjoy with less bare patches and weeds to worry about.

Learn more by contacting the team at Harden Park Lawns, here to support your for the life of your lawn.

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