Removing Crab Grass from your Lawn

Crab GrassUp here in tropical, North Queensland, Crab Grass is the bane of many a lawn owner. It quite likes full sun, deep shade, heat, humidity, heavy rain and drought – it’s a tough one! Why you’d be particularly noticing it at the moment is because during winter it tends to turns brown, leaving ugly patches in the lawn. And it also leaves seeds to cause problems next year and the year after that…and so on.

So how to remove crab grass from your lawn

Ensure that you mow and treat the crab grass before the three-prolonged seed stalks mature as this will cause even more problems further down the line.

Purchase a crab grass spray suitable to the variety of lawn you have at your local hardware or lawn care supplier. The crab grass may require numerous applications so make sure that you allow time for this.  Treat the lawn and when the offending grass turns brown pull it out ensuring that you get any living grass plants that remain and have spread out. If any of your regular grass around the treated area looks to be dead or dying you will need to remove that too.

Depending on the size of the hole left in the lawn you now can either allow the existing lawn to regrow over the space or lay some new turf. As the new grass begins to grow it may be wise to apply a fertiliser with a crab grass preventer. This fertiliser should be applied specifically to the new growth but can also be applied to the entire lawn as it will stop any dormant seeds from germinating.

When the weather gets warm keep an eye out for any crab grass and pull it out by hand to avoid a big invasion to deal with later. Follow the Harden Park Lawns blogs for more lawn care tips, tricks and advice.

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