Sir Walter is now known as Sir Walter DNA Certified

Sir Walter DNA CertifiedAs of next Tuesday (the 15th March 2016) Sir Walter soft leaf Buffalo turf will be known as Sir Walter DNA Certified. All 40 LSA (Lawn Solutions Australia) growers across Australia will be selling this quality turf under this new name.

While the name will change, the quality of the turf remains the same. So, why the change of name? LSA is committed to ensuring that consumers are getting the real deal when they purchase Sir Walter DNA Certified lawn.

When you buy and install Sir Walter DNA Certified lawn at your home, rental property or commercial property you can be assured that you are receiving:

      • Genuine Sir Walter turf
      • A guarantee that your Sir Walter is DNA certified
      • A guarantee that you will get exactly what you are paying for
      • A 10 year product warranty
      • A turf that is grown under AusGap Certification. This certification guarantees and certifies the genetic purity of your turf                                                       

This move to the name Sir Walter DNA Certified will ensure the protection of quality Sir Walter turf. Australia’s most popular turf is only allowed to be grown by a select number of growers across the country, of which Harden Park Lawns is one, to ensure quality, consistency and to protect the purity of the variety.

When you install Sir Walter DNA Certified turf you also receive all the benefits of the LSA accreditation system which is based on the following core principles:

      • All growers adhere to the same strict, nationally endorsed standards
      • Growers are subjected to continuous reviews and improvement methods
      • Members are audited on an on-going basis to ensure complete compliance
      • LSA members follow the same systems in regards to OHS, product quality, delivery, installation, training, site environmental controls and in-house business system

Harden Park Lawns is proud to be a certified grower of Sir Walter DNA Certified turf. This commitment ensures that we can provide you with a certified turf, a 10 year product warranty as well as our personal commitment to support our customers for the life of their lawn. Contact Harden Park Lawns today to learn more.


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