Harden Park Lawns is happy to announce a new variety of turf is coming soon. The Platinum Zoysia is also known as the hardy alternative. With the nickname EZ (easy) Grass this turf is perfect for those wanting a fairly self-reliant lawn – it requires less watering and less fertiliser than most other varieties on the market. This aspect makes it a great choice for investment properties, older families and commercial applications.
Features of Platinum Zoysia:
Easy to live with
Platinum Zoysia is an effective cost option if you are looking for a turf for your yard. Exhibiting a slow growth habit, Platinum Zoysia does not require a lot of mowing or other maintenance. It has also adapted well to hotter climates by having the ability to roll its leaves to conserve water, thereby increasing its drought tolerance which is a trait normally only exhibited in broader leafed grass varieties.
Some like it hot
Zoysias are warm season grasses and are well adapted to tropical, sub-tropical and warm temperate conditions, though can be grown Australia wide. They are fine to medium textured grass with leaves 5-7mm wide and 40-50mm long, though can be mown shorter as low as 12-25mm. Zoysia spreads both by stolons and by rhizomes, which gives vigorous regrowth and rapid recovery from injury and excellent resistance to weeds.
For more information on Platinum Zoysia contact the team at Harden Park Lawns today.
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