Why lawn scalping happens

Lawn scalpingLawns become scalped when too much of the grass plant is removed in a single mow or when high points are taken off when mowing an uneven lawn.

Removing too much

By removing too much of the grass plant you can expose the brown thatch layer which will quickly dry out and look awful. Cutting the lawn too short can damage the crowns or centre of the grass plants causing the area of lawn to die.

Don’t go too far in the opposite direction; infrequent lawn mowing can lead to issues as well by leaving the lawn in a constantly damaged state. Infrequent mowing causes the thatch layer and the crowns to be raised to a higher height, at a faster rate than is best for the lawn. Eventually, even with raising the mower height, the thatch layer will reach the mowing height increasing the problem and leaving only vertimowing as a fix.

Uneven Lawns

An uneven lawn can happen when newly laid lawns are installed with turf of varying thickness. The situation often repairs itself with regular lawn mowing appropriate to the variety of lawn you have. Regular mowing, after establishment, will allow the soil and new turf to settle and even out; high points in the lawn will continue to be cut back until the area is repaired and the right lawn height is achieved. Lower areas should thicken up as the thatch layer becomes even. If the situation continues then a light top dressing can be applied to repair the problem.

There’s no quick fix to a scalped lawn; the only solution is prevention – maintaining proper, regular lawn care and mowing as often as required and at the correct height. The frequency will be dependent on the time of the year and how fast your lawn is growing.

To learn more about how to care for your lawn read the Harden Park lawns blogs or contact us today.


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